To find a specific question or browse answers from our FAQ’s, please select a category below. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please contact either Fusion3 sales (sales@fusion3design.com) or our Technical Support (support@fusion3design.com).

Why are you giving existing customers a free upgrade to REACTOR?

We are giving existing customers a free upgrade to REACTOR for a number of reasons:

  1. Many features in REACTOR were developed in response to existing customer requests
  2. REACTOR address many bugs and issues caused by previous versions of Simplify3D.
  3. REACTOR’s intuitive user interface makes the process of preparing (slicing) files much easier than Simplify3D and for many/most users, they will find it easier and cause fewer headaches and lower customer support issues.
  4. We see REACTOR as the platform for many future new features for existing and new Fusion3 printers and wish to encourage adoption.
What if I try REACTOR, but I’m not quite ready and want to use Simplify3D?

Should you decide that you are not quite ready to switch full-time to REACTOR, you can of course keep Simplify3D installed and continue to use Simplify3D as your slicing software.

However, please remember, there are known issues that significantly impact the performance of your Fusion3 3D printer caused by versions of Simplify3D. This is one of many factors that contributed to the decision for Fusion3 to develop its own slicer software. Should you continue to use Simplify3D, these issues may continue.

Also Simplify3D 4.0.1 is already over 3 years old (released in July 2017) and will get progressively more and more out of date.

We will continue to encourage all users to upgrade to REACTOR in order for our customer support team to best assist you and will become our standard in the future.

Will future Fusion3 3D printers have implicit support for Simplify3D?
Future Fusion3 3D printers, when released will only have support with Fusion3 REACTOR 3D printing software.
Will Fusion3 continue to provide technical support to users who prefer to use Simplify3D over REACTOR?
Yes, Fusion3 will continue to provide technical support to users who prefer to use Simplify3D over REACTOR. We understand that there’s a wide range of reasons for this, ranging from specific product features, long-established familiarity with the software, specific workflows and the cost of training your staff.

However, please remember, there are known issues that signficiantly impact the performance of your Fusion3 3D printer caused by versions of Simplify3D that contributed to the decision for Fusion3 to develop its own slicer software and to continue to use Simplify3D can prolong these issues.

We will continue to encourage all users to upgrade to REACTOR in order for our customer support team to best assist you.

If I already have Simplify3D will I still be able to get access to Fusion3’s pre-set material settings (profiles)?

Yes, Fusion3’s profiles are not pre-installed in Simplify3D. You can download these files from the Manuals and Downloads page.

What happens to my copy of Simplify3D after installing the REACTOR upgrade?
Your copy of Simplify3D is unaffected by downloading and installing REACTOR; they are completely separate pieces of software. Simplify3D will remain installed until you choose to uninstall it. Likewise, any material profiles you have imported into S3D will remain unaffected.
Are you going to continue to update and add new Simplify3D material profiles?
Going forward (as of 10/28/2020) we are focusing our Material Testing efforts on REACTOR and do not have plans to supply updated profiles or profiles for new materials for S3D. New material profiles will be available only in REACTOR.