Fusion3 Featured on the 3D Printing Today Podcast

Jan 23, 2017 | Announcements, Press

Andy Cohen from the 3D Printing Today podcast was kind enough to stop by the Fusion3 Booth at CES and interview our CEO, Chris Padgett.

Andy and Chris know each other from their participation in the Google ‘3D Printing Tips & Tricks’ message board (which, BTW, is a really great resource for advanced 3D printer users).

Andy knew about Fusion3 through industry scuttlebutt but had never seen our F400 in person.

Here are a few of his comments:

“I’m looking for places where I’d see ringing and overshoots… there is no ringing at all, pretty astounding results, I don’t think you can get any better in FDM”

“for those who don’t see me right now, I’m drooling”

“this is a brilliant machine”

“very, very functional vs. flashy”

“if you’re a 3D printing service, in FDM, this is THE machine”

To listen to the entire podcast, I found the best online player to be at Sticher.com (CLICK HERE). The segment with Chris & Fusion3 starts in the 34th minute.