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Fusion3 is Looking to Expand the Technical Support Team

Fusion3 is Hiring! At Fusion3, we're dedicated to providing the best technical support for our EDGE 3D printers we manufacture. Our mission is to assist customers in every aspect, from answering questions to resolving issues and ensuring they get the most out of their...

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Call for Mac F3Slic3r Beta Testers

CALLING ALL MAC USERS We are looking for beta testers for the Mac version of F3Slic3r!  If you are a power user with your Mac and you'd like to help us beta test a Mac version of our new slicer, please reach out to us at  We'll provide you...

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F3Slic3r Profiles Update – F400, F410, EDGE

ANNOUNCEMENTS Hot on the heels of our release of F3Slic3r, we've been working hard on finishing up the profiles for existing machines and approved materials. We're excited to announce the release of F400 printer profiles, as well as additional material profiles for...

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Updates to our Replacement Parts Store PO Process

As part of our focus on process improvement and always looking for ways to make our business more efficient and better able to address our customer's needs, we have some updates to our Replacement Parts Store PO process we need to share. As many of you are aware, we...

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Updates to our New User Training Curriculum

We're excited to announce a major change in the way we onboard new users!  Historically, we've asked new (and returning) customers to attend one of our live training sessions when they received their Fusion3 3D printer.  After using this approach for several years and...

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Introducing our new slicer, F3slic3r

  We're excited to announce the release of our new slicer, f3slic3r!  This is a new free and open source slicer we've been working on for several months.  While it's heavily based on the excellent work by Prusa Research (Prusaslicer) and Slic3r dev teams,...

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Materials List Update: New Materials

We're excited to announce another update to our Certified Materials List.  This update includes some new high-performance materials from our favorite suppliers, as well as a major update to the list structure itself.Update to List Structure To support the release of...

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New EDGE Improvement Available: Scrub Plate Spacer

NEW Scrub Plate Spacer   Here at Fusion3, we're strong believers in continuous improvement: Our hardware, our software, and our business operations.  We're excited to announce a hardware improvement for EDGE that will enhance your printer's reliability and ease...

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